Category:Quantum mechanics
![]() | This category is overpopulated. It is suggested that the contents of the category be subcategorized. |
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics (also called quantum physics or quantum theory) is a physical theory that is believed to be the formalism underlying the description of all physical systems. Quantum mechanical departures from classical physics are most often encountered at small length scales, very low or very high energies, or low temperatures.
This category has the following 38 subcategories, out of 38 total.
- Quantum biology (16 P)
- Foundational quantum physics (38 P)
- Hidden variable theory (7 P)
- Hilbert spaces (48 P)
- Mesoscopic physics (36 P)
- Quantum models (37 P)
- Old quantum theory (8 P)
- Quantum magnetism (20 P)
- Quantum mind (24 P)
- Quantum states (31 P)
- Schrödinger equation (12 P)
Pages in category "Quantum mechanics"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 391 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
(previous page) (next page)+
- Above-threshold ionization
- Adiabatic invariant
- Adiabatic quantum computation
- Aharonov–Bohm effect
- Aharonov–Casher effect
- Angular momentum diagrams (quantum mechanics)
- Angular momentum operator
- Anti-symmetric operator
- Antisymmetrizer
- Applications of quantum mechanics
- Araki–Sucher correction
- Are Quanta Real?
- Attosecond physics
- Auxiliary-field Monte Carlo
- Avoided crossing
- Back action (quantum)
- Ballistic conduction in single-walled carbon nanotubes
- Band gap
- Bargmann–Wigner equations
- Bargmann's limit
- Beta decay transition
- Bethe–Salpeter equation
- BKS theory
- Bloch spectrum
- Bloch sphere
- Bloch's theorem
- Bogoliubov inner product
- Bohr Festival
- Bose gas
- Bousso's holographic bound
- Breit equation
- Buscemi nonlocality
- C parity
- C-number
- Calogero conjecture
- Canonical commutation relation
- Categorical quantum mechanics
- Chladni's law
- Classical limit
- Clebsch–Gordan coefficients for SU(3)
- Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
- Close coupling
- Cluster-expansion approach
- Coherence (physics)
- Coherent control
- Coincidence counting (physics)
- Combinatorics and physics
- Complementarity (physics)
- Complete set of commuting observables
- Conjugate variables
- Constraint algebra
- Corepresentations of unitary and antiunitary groups
- Correspondence principle
- Coupling constant
- Course of Theoretical Physics
- Covariant Heisenberg equation
- Creation and annihilation operators
- Degenerate energy levels
- Dephasing rate SP formula
- Diagrammatic Monte Carlo
- Dirac operator
- Dirac spectrum
- Dirac spinor
- Dissipation model for extended environment
- Double ionization
- Drell–Yan process
- Duane's hypothesis
- Duru–Kleinert transformation
- Dynamical mean-field theory
- Dynamical pictures
- Dynamical reduction
- Efimov effect
- Efimov state
- Ehrenfest–Tolman effect
- Eigenspinor
- Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
- Einselection
- Einstein–Brillouin–Keller method
- Electric dipole spin resonance
- Electric dipole transition
- Electromagnetically induced grating
- Electron diffraction
- Electron nuclear double resonance
- Electron shell
- Elementary particle
- Elliott formula
- Energy level splitting
- Energy operator
- Ermakov–Lewis invariant
- Evanescent field
- Exact diagonalization
- Exceptional point
- Excited state
- Expectation value (quantum mechanics)
- Faddeev equations
- Fano resonance
- Fermi heap and Fermi hole
- Few-body systems
- Field electron emission
- First quantization
- Fixed orbit
- Fock space
- Förster coupling
- Fradkin tensor
- Free carrier absorption
- Free-orbit experiment with laser interferometry X-rays
- Froissart–Stora equation
- Fubini–Study metric
- Functional integration
- Fusion of anyons
- Galilei-covariant tensor formulation
- Gapped Hamiltonian
- Gausson (physics)
- Generalized probabilistic theory
- Ghost imaging
- Glossary of elementary quantum mechanics
- Glossary of quantum philosophy
- Goldreich-Kylafis effect
- Good quantum number
- Gradient echo
- Gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect
- Gravitational decoherence
- Ground state
- Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik
- Gyrovector space
- Hamilton's optico-mechanical analogy
- Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)
- Hamiltonian truncation
- Harmonic tensors
- Hartman effect
- Heisenberg picture
- Heisenberg–Langevin equations
- Hierarchical equations of motion
- History of spectroscopy
- Holstein–Primakoff transformation
- Hopfield dielectric
- Hydrogen-like atom
- Imaginary time
- Implicate and explicate order
- Infinite divisibility
- Instanton
- Interaction picture
- Interatomic Coulombic decay
- International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
- Intersubband polariton
- Intersystem crossing
- Intrinsic parity
- Introduction to Elementary Particles (book)
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (book)
- Invariant set postulate
- Inverse square potential
- Inversion recovery
- Ionized impurity scattering
- Macroscopic quantum self-trapping
- Macroscopic quantum state
- Madelung equations
- Magnetic resonance (quantum mechanics)
- Many-body localization
- Many-body problem
- Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- Matrix element (physics)
- Matrix mechanics
- Matter wave clock
- Maximal entropy random walk
- Maxwell–Bloch equations
- Mesoscopic physics
- Method of continued fractions
- Minority interpretations of quantum mechanics
- Mixing angle
Media in category "Quantum mechanics"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
Axial.png 484 × 586; 50 KB
Clas mr.png 1,124 × 1,200; 20 KB
Half-Width plot for Life time.png 570 × 370; 3 KB
Inversion2.png 585 × 456; 39 KB
Lorentz curve.png 570 × 370; 4 KB